Joachim's improvement Recently, I have an activity to support for recent Japanese disaster. I would like to continue this activity. On the other hand, I have not so much time for my Sunday research. Meantime, my colleague Joachim R. found a improved method of the combination solution. It's a nice method and I would like to introduce it here. The basic idea is the following. Determinant doesn't change by elimination, therefore, we can eliminate the first column of {1,-1} matrix. Without loss of generality, we can say a_{1,1} is 1. (Because if it is -1, we can multiply -1 to the first row and switch the sign. In this case, the determinant also altered the sign, but we could always exchange the row to switch back the sign.) Also, from det(A) = det(A^{T}), we can apply the same operation to the first column. At the end, we could have all 1 row at the first row. Let's write down this procedure. Where, k is the number of -1 in the first row, j is the number of -1 i...