I first met C three months ago. I teach her one digit plus, like 3+4. One digit plus is somewhat OK for her, but, two digits were hard to her. If I taught slowly, she could do it. However, next week she glanced at the same problem, then she said ``Geht's nicht (Can't be!)' and she immediately gave up. The whole month was like that. I thought, ``I see, she is a tough one.'' I told her every time, ``Mathematics is a language. It is a reflection of human mind. Maybe this doesn't make sense for you, but, it's a language. Which means there is a meaning of all of them. So what does it mean 3+4?'' One day, I used a drawing, the other day, I used a block to explain the numbers and plus. I try to show that we can touch the numbers. However, what she wanted know was the answers of her homework. Once she cried that she needed to fill the homework until tomorrow. I felt sorry a bit, but, I said ``The answer is not important. Your understanding is important....
Mathematics, programming, and a little bit of my life.