How to access to the self.vertex_list.
This time I will explain how to access to the self.vertex_list of TriMesh. This is a list of length three numpy.array. We have already seen how to get the python list (dict's keylist) in my former article
How to access to the float numpy.array element is the following.
void print_float32_3(boost::python::object const & float32_3_obj)
// check sequence length is 3 or not.
if(boost::python::len(float32_3_obj) != 3){
std::string const objstr =
boost::python::extract< std::string >(
std::cerr << "print_float32_3: arg is not a float[3] obj ["
<< objstr << "]" << std::endl;
float vec[] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
vec[i] = boost::python::extract< float >(
std::cout << "float[3] = " << vec[0] << " " << vec[1] << " "
<< vec[2] << std::endl;
First, numpy.array is a sequence, therefore, we can ask length of it by boost::python::len(). We check the length is 3 or not since I defined it is three dimensional vector in the python code. Then we can access to each element through the attribute __getitem__. The python code puts float values to numpy.array, thus we can extract float value with extract< float >. Strictly speaking, numpy.array contains numpy.float64 instead of float, but, extract< float > still works here.
The last member of TriMesh, the triangle face index, should be done in the same way. Actually I would like to say that, but, there is a glitch here in numpy. We can not access this elements in the same way. We will get an errer:
TypeError: No registered converter was able to produce a C++ rvalue of type int from this Python object of type numpy.int64().I would like to talk about this issue in the next blog.