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Showing posts from May, 2015

I'm looking for an old school toy.

Discrimination handling in Germany (8)

Section 7: Examples Section 7.1: The case of my company My company has a company code about discrimination (discrimination is not allowed). We can submit a problem to the company and we have information how to submit the problem. When I was in an interview they did not ask my nationality, but they asked for a permit to work in Germany which is the offered working place. Section 7.2: Works council involvement It heavily depends on the situation, but in general discrimination is a crime. The citizen is normally obliged to report the crime to the police. There was a case where a works council had to choose whether to protect an employee who insulted others, reported by Spiegel online: Verfahren zur Amtsenthebung: Daimler-Betriebsratsmitglied applaudiert Pariser Attentätern (Impeachment: Daimler-works-council member applauds Paris terrorists) [1] . The person posted ``Jeder Mensch zahlt für seine Taten! Fuck Charlie Hebdo (Everyone pays for their actions! Fuck Charlie Hebdo)...

Discrimination handling in Germany (7)

Section 6: How to handle cases in a university Every university has a diversity manager who responds to discrimination problems. The number of the people involved depends on the size of the university.  A large university has a full time position and a small university might have a part time position, but both are paid. For example, TU Dresden [1] is a rather small size university and has a web page and contact information. Humboldt University has an office for equality [2] . References TU Dresden, Gender Equality, , (Online; accessed 2015-4-3(Fri)) Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Die zentrale Frauenbeauftragte, , (Online; accessed 2015-4-3(Fri))

Discrimination handling in Germany (6)

Section 5.1: Works council If a works council (Betriebsrat [1] ) has been established in a company, the works council can handle discrimination cases. A works council is an in-company organization. It represents employees and its members are employees. It is not a union (e.g., works council doesn't do a strike). It is more based on cooperation with company's representative to improve the working environment which would also benefit the company itself. For instance, improving office environment would improve the task efficiency, this can also attract more talented people, preventing to quit talented employees, and so forth. A works council's primary task is protecting/supporting employees. Therefore, if the employer disrespects equal opportunity, works council will handle the problem as supporting the employees.  If there are conflicts of interest (e.g., an employee made a hate speech), works councils choose to which employee to support based on the situation. Section...

Discrimination handling in Germany (5)

Section 5: How to handle cases in a company Inside a German company, a Behindertenvertreter (a representative of disabled people) handles any kind of discrimination problem of disabled personnel. Any company with five or more disabled employees has to form a Schwerbehindertenvertretung. (German Social Code: §94 Wahl und Amtszeit der Schwerbehindertenvertretung [1] ). The German federal government has an office for equal opportunity of disabled people: Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für die Belange behinderter Menschen [2] . The office handles not only disabled people's inequality, but also handles any kind of discrimination problems. There seems no official third organization that handles each discrimination case, since non-governmental organization cannot have access to the internal information of a company. Usually the problem handler needs to access this kind of information. For example, inequality can be related with the salary, position, and so on. (However, more re...

Discrimination handling in Germany (4)

Section 4: How to handle cases in general In general, you need to report cases of discrimination or hate-speech to the police, always with some proof or witness. If you see it on YouTube, report to the police, too. If someone publically say discrimination, you can sue the person and the Staatsanwaltschaft (prosecutor) must follow [1] . The following citation comes from Wikipedia's ``Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann auf kommunaler Ebene, Beispiel gemäß NRW-Gemeindeordnung (Equality between women and men at the local level, in accordance with Example NRW (North Rhine-Westphalia) Municipal Code) [2] .'' Die Verwirklichung der Verfassungsaufgabe der Gleichberechtigung von Frau und Mann ist auch eine Aufgabe der Städte und Gemeinden. Zur Wahrnehmung dieser Aufgabe kann die Kommune Gleichstellungsbeauftragte bestellen. Mit dieser Änderung der Gemeindeordnung wurden die Kommunen in Nordrhein-Westfalen 1984 aufgerufen, zur Umsetzung dieses Verfassungsauftrages in eigener Ve...

Discrimination handling in Germany (3)

Section 3: Historical background in Europe Solving discrimination problems started as Frauenbewegung (Feminist movement) [1] in Europa, and developed to Gleichstellungsbeauftragte (equal opportunity). So, it started as a woman-man equality problem, but later it expanded to any kind of discrimination. One of the leading companies of diversity is IBM [2] . IBM had an activity for equal opportunity employment (around 1900, IBM has not yet established at 1900, but it started in former IBM company) long before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission had been established in US in 1965. Freedom of expression is sometimes abused against human dignity. After world war II, it was decided that newspaper should be more independent from anything as soon as a public (Freedom of expression). This is in the basic law of Germany, Article 5 [3] . Refernces Wikipedia de, Frauenbewegung, , (Online; accessed 2015-4-2(Thu)) IBM, Diversity and Inclu...