I saw a dance in front of the Brandenburger Tor yesterday. I was surprised that a dance has such expression ability. So many things I don't know yet. Mad world dance in Berlin (2014.3.8) In the main part of the dance, without so much explanations, I can see (or it may just my misunderstandings) the Olympic athletes swim to the Fukushima daiichi led by the prime minister Shinzo Abe who declared "the "The radioactively contaminated water has been completely blocked." Then, Abe did nothing, but to demonstrate the fish safety, he ate the fish near the power plant. and so on. My favorite part of this dance is the ending comment. Many can do satire and say, "oh bad... What's going on", I think it is important to show what is the problem, though, it's a bit depressing. But the dancer's last comment was " Let's make a different future because it is possible if we all do something." I think this is a great message for the h...