Appendix A: Unicode and Python 2.7.x This time I develop python programs. I use python 2.7.3. Handling Unicode was needed to process web pages, not only for Japanese and German web pages, but also for English pages. Because some of the English authors have accent characters. In the early development stage, I was bothered UnicodeDecodeError and UnicodeEncodeError exceptions. Here I will explain what they are, why they raised, and how to handle them. How the Unicode encodes characters? As far as I understand, Unicode uses two maps to encode characters. This depends on how you understand this coding system. I hadn't known this until I worked on this research. My understanding was that there are many kind of Unicode, like UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32. But this was my misunderstanding. UTF-8 is how to encode the Unicode data and Unicode is an encoding system how to encode characters. UTF-8 is one of the mapping methods, or transformation formats and UTF-8 is not Unicode (Universal ch...
Mathematics, programming, and a little bit of my life.