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Showing posts from April, 2022

How to pass a better gun control law.

  How to pass a better gun control law. Every time a mass shooting happens, people try to pass a better gun control law. But NRA consistently stopped them (see e.g., YouTube: NRA: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) ). To prepare for the next mass shooting, a woman called (J.C.) established a non-profit organization. The organization is a bit mysterious under their security concern. But it seems called either WIW N, WASD, or FYN (or possibly multiple organizations)*. What they do is: members are informed when and where the bill will be discussed members are encouraged to call the members senator and representative and informed every chance depends on the distance of the residence they provide the member-accessible database about the congress schedule relevant to their issue A problem is the organization has a bit of tight membership control. I cannot write here how to join, but you will find the way. (A rumor: some comedians seem to know the organization's correspondence.) The