I use Jenkins for a nightly automated test. In the test I use valgrind for memory leak detection and has some graph of number of errors. So I would like to use plot plugin . From the example plot image , it is clear we can have a graph with multiple lines. However, how to do it was a bit ambiguous to me from the web page, the example perl script, and the help (in the plot plugin). The key idea is I need to have multiple data files for multiple lines. For example, in the build I made the following property data files. Each file represents one data line. valgrind_trunk_result.definitely.property valgrind_trunk_result.indirectly.property valgrind_trunk_result.possibly.property The contents of each file is only one line. For example, valgrind_trunk_result.definitely.property is: YVALUE=0 This file is put under the directory of ${WORKSPACE} where the environment variable "WORKSPACE" is given by jenkins. Figure 1 shows my plot plugin setup in th...
Mathematics, programming, and a little bit of my life.